1301 pilgrims died during Hajj, Saudi Arabia confirmed


Jeddah (Daily Pakistan Online) The Saudi Ministry of Health has released a statement on the deaths of pilgrims during Hajj in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Minister of Health Fahd bin Abdul Rahman says that 1301 pilgrims died during the Hajj this year. The Saudi Minister of Health says that the dead pilgrims include many elderly people and people suffering from chronic diseases, while 83 percent of the deaths were those pilgrims who joined the Hajj without permission. The diplomat said that among those who died during the Hajj, the number of Egyptian pilgrims alone is at least 600. On the other hand, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Pakistan confirmed that 35 Pakistanis died due to heat waves during the Hajj. According to Abdul Wahab Soomro, director general of Pakistan’s Hajj Mission, 4 Pakistanis died in Mina, 3 in Arafat and 2 in Muzdalifah, while 20 Pakistani pilgrims died in Makkah and 6 in Madinah.
It should be noted that this year 18 lakh people performed Hajj. During the Hajj, the temperature reached 51.8 degrees Celsius. The Saudi Meteorological Department had predicted extreme heat during the Hajj season this year, and accordingly, the Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah issued a warning for pilgrims. Water fountains and cold water were provided.


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