Zulfi Bukhari denies the rumors of visiting Israel


Some rumors had been flowing on social media regarding Special assistant to Prime Minister on overseas Pakistanis and human resources, Zulfi Bukhari on having contacts with the Israeli Government.

Finally Zulfi Bukhari has now addressed these rumors being false. He tweeted from his twitter account and clarified that he had not made any visit to Israel after being cleared by USA for the visit.

According to the rumored reports, Israeli officials had welcomed a special assistant to the Prime Minister Imran Khan in Israel on November 30th where he even stayed for some days.

Zulfi Bukhari in his recent tweet denied these allegations stating that he was actually in Rawalpindi on that particular day.

His tweet read: “If it is directed against me, I would like to clarify that I was in Rawalpindi with the Deputy Commissioner on the day, and pictures of the event are also available,”

He further stated that it is just the Israeli and Indian media along with the opposition who wants to disrupts things by spreading fake rumors.

Israeli media had spread this in the fisrt place that a special assistant to the PM had visited Israel earlier in November along with a special message from the Army of Pakistan. It was also stated that the particular adviser who visited Israel was a British citizen.

The official statement read: “He stayed a few days in Israel where he met with the Director of Israeli intelligence, Mossad Yossi Cohen, and delivered a secret message of Pakistan Army Chief,”


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