Government will expose all Anti-Pakistan fake accounts; Muraad Saeed


The federal minister for communication and postal services, Muraad Saeed has stated the a decision has been made by the federal government that all social media accounts involved in defamation and spread of false news against Pakistan will be exposed.

Currently a farmer’s protest is going on in India and the events happening alongside are not quite beneficial for Indian worldly image. The federal minister while addressing an event in the capital city, Islamabad stated that India has started to spread hate and venomous comments against Pakistan so that the attention could be diverted from what’s currently going on in their own country.

He further stated that its not the first time Pakistan will be taking action against it. Pakistan has exposed their propagandas in the past and this one will be exposed for sure as well.

While talking in reference to the EU DisInfo lab report namely Indian Chronicles, he further said that India is following a preplanned agenda and campaign to defame Pakistan on international platform and this is not a new thing to happen as it has been happening since 2005.

Muraad Saeed further said that all citizens of Pakistan should now come forward and play their part in exposing the dirty tactics of India. All their fake social media accounts spreading will have to be exposed now.

An anti-fake news wing has also been established since 2018 where citizens can report the spread of fake social media news.


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