More than 40 international navies participating in Aman 2021

ST PETERSBURG, RUSSIA - JULY 28, 2019: The Marshal Ustinov Russian cruiser (L) and Vasily Bykov patrol ship during a military parade in the Kronstadt roadstead on Russian Navy Day. Alexander Demianchuk/TASSÐîññèÿ. Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã. Ðàêåòíûé êðåéñåð "Ìàðøàë Óñòèíîâ" è ïàòðóëüíûé êîðàáëü "Âàñèëèé Áûêîâ" (ñëåâà íàïðàâî) âî âðåìÿ ãëàâíîãî âîåííî-ìîðñêîãî ïàðàäà â ÷åñòü Äíÿ Âîåííî-Ìîðñêîãî Ôëîòà Ðîññèè â àêâàòîðèè Êðîíøòàäòñêîãî ðåéäà. Àëåêñàíäð Äåìüÿí÷óê/ÒÀÑÑ

The Pakistan Navy is hosting its eighth series of the annual multinational exercise ‘Aman’ from the mid of this month i.e. February. In this exercise navies of 46 countries will be taking part.

Naval members from European, Eurasian, Asian, American regions are carrying together ships, aircraft, special operation forces and observers for joint peace and security of the naval domain. The Pakistan Navy strives to boost interoperability among regional and extra regional navies to endorse peace and stability in the area and further beyond.

Starting  from 2006 and moving forward, piracy and maritime terrorism episodes like those of Somali pirates hijacking commercial ships and crews amplified considerably globally but particularly in the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf and the Somalia Basin, putting a threat on the commercial interests and freedom of the high seas.

The Pakistan Navy is the first regional navy to become a participant of the US managed and Bahrain-based Combined Maritime Forces in 2004, to hold Regional Maritime Security Patrols in southern Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman and clog points off the Maldives. The PN’s very own Task Force-88 is attentive to make sure there is strong security posture in maritime security of Gwadar and neighboring sea-lanes.


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