Kashmir issue resolution is a must factor for better India-Pakistan relations; PM Imran Khan


Prime Minister Imran Khan as of today replied to a previously letter delivered to him by Modi, mentioning to his Indian counterpart that harmony between the two countries was reliant on resolution of the Kashmir issue.

The prime minister was answering to Modi’s letter in which he had sent his best regards for the people of Pakistan on March 23.

“Thank you for your letter conveying greetings on Pakistan Day. The people of Pakistan commemorate this Day by paying tribute to the wisdom and foresight of our founding fathers in envisioning an independent, sovereign state where they could live in freedom and realize their full potential,” stated PM Imran Khan in the letter

He added: “we are convinced that durable peace and stability in South Asia is contingent upon resolving all outstanding issues between India and Pakistan, in particular the Jammu & Kashmir dispute”.

He said to creation of an “enabling environment”

“I also take this opportunity to convey our best wishes for the people of India in the fight against the COV1D-19 pandemic. Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration,”


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