Under strict SOPs Cambridge exams begin in Pakistan


Under the impositions of strict Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOPs), Cambridge examinations have begun from today, 26th April, 2021 all over Pakistan.

The exams are being taken with carefulness as Pakistan has been reporting rising coronavirus cases amid the third wave of the virus.

Writing table arrangement with gaps inside examination halls has been made sure according to the suggested SOPs. Moreover, the examination halls will be disinfected after every two sittings

Just a day before the exams started, the education minister posted on his Twitter to emphasize on the defined safety precautions by the supervising experts to guarantee the protection of appearing candidates

He also sent his well wishes to all candidates sitting in exams this year, Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training Shafqat Mehmood stated that these are hard-hitting times and tough decisions have been made considering the student’s best concern in view.

“Wishing all students taking exams starting from today, the very best. These are tough times and difficult decisions have been made keeping the students best interest in view. British Council is committed to strict implementation of SOPs and we will monitor them closely. Good Luck!” the federal minister’s tweet read.


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