Sherry Rehman asks for government’s business plan regarding PIA


Pakistan People’s Party’s (PPP) parliamentary leader in the Senate Senator Sherry Rehman Wednesday asked that how the government plans to take forward the business of the Pakistan International Airline (PIA) with breaking a PIA into two organizations and said the Parliament has not come across any business strategy to strengthen PIA.

“Tabahi Sarkar has literally crashed PIA by compromising several Pakistani pilots with clean licenses, got the airline grounded in EU capitals after “Licensegate”, sold PIA assets abroad via crony shell firms and are now cannibalising “old PIA” to create new business ventures. This is a new low,” she mentioned while asking for the government business strategy for the PIA.

Sherry Rehman stated that around 2,000 PIA employees have been made to take voluntary dismissal and now the idea is to lay off half of its 14,000 employees. “The anti-people destruction regime in unprecedented ways as all they do is sack people in COVID times instead of creating jobs,” she further mentioned.

“PIA is still reeling from Tabahi Sarkar’s blows, and now employees are being cited as the problem, when in fact it is the sheer incompetence of this government, Till date we have not seen him take responsibility for the loss that has occurred because of him” she stated.


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