Huawei planning on brining innovation to automobile industry


During the beginning of this year, Huawei revealed that it was focusing on brining smart roads that will cooperate with driverless cars offering them information to drive around without harm.

Now, the company has announced that it is working on producing its driverless traveler car technology by the year 2025. One of the company’s officials gave a statement during this week revealing that the company is looking to grow its business range in the automobile industry.

Wang Jun, a senior manager at Huawei’ smart vehicle unit, stated, “Our team’s goal is to reach true driverless passenger cars in 2025.”

On the other hand, Huawei is not the only firm operating to bring self-driving equipment for cars. Other automakers, tech businesses, and startups have been working to bring a feasible solution for a long time now. This comprises Baidu, Xiaomi, and others that are trying to bring innovation into the car industry.

For the time being, the technology is in its early stages and we cannot say with certainty if Huawei will be successful in bringing it off by 2025.


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