Age Relaxation for Government Jobs in Sindh


    The age restriction for government positions has been extended by the Sindh government. The age restriction will be raised by 15 years as a result of this change, giving young people more options for employment that is offered between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2024.

    However, the Public Service Commission or the Police Service do not fall under the scope of this exception when it comes to hiring.

    This action is seen as beneficial in terms of reducing youth unemployment in the region. Since it can be challenging to find work in the current economic climate, this flexibility will be appreciated by those looking for employment.

    In related news, Member Provincial Assembly (MPA) Syed Awais Shah emphasized that the Sindh government places a high priority on education and that it will continue to make every effort to make it more convenient, affordable, and accessible.

    He said this at a meeting on Monday in Sukkur, emphasizing that the government has a comprehensive public education system in the area, under which the poor and wealthy children both receive an equal education.


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