PKLI Becomes Pakistan’s First Govt. Hospital to Perform Robotic Surgery


    The first robotic procedure in a public hospital in Pakistan was successfully completed by the Pakistan Kidney and Liver Transplant Institute (PKLI). This revolutionary development is a game-changer, according to PKLI.

    Robotic surgery, also referred to as robot-assisted surgery, enables doctors to carry out challenging procedures with greater accuracy, adaptability, and control. Although it is frequently associated with surgery that is minimally invasive, which involves treatments through tiny incisions, it is also used in some types of traditional open surgical procedures.

    A camera-equipped arm and mechanical limbs with surgical tools attached make up the most common clinical robotic surgical system, as stated by experts. A PKLI spokesperson claimed that the Chairman of the Urology Department, Dr. Nadeem Bin Nusrat, and his coworkers were in charge of this historic accomplishment.

    According to Dr. Nadeem, the patient was capable of leaving the hospital within hours after the radical nephrectomy procedure. He claims that this previously unheard-of level of precision and care will alter how we conduct surgical procedures.


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