Pakistan to Welcome Virtual Offices from Social Media Companies


    The conflict over the modification of social media regulations between social media companies and the Pakistani government has been settled.

    Revisions to social media regulations have been approved by the Pakistani government and the operators of social media. Virtual offices for social media companies will be established in Pakistan.

    According to the news,  the federal government has given its approval to the updated social media guidelines. Instead of setting up physical offices in Pakistan, social media companies will establish virtual ones.

    The virtual offices will have a social media company representative on duty around-the-clock. Social media companies will give the Pakistani government’s complaints top priority.

    As per officials, The Social Media Rules Committee has broken down the offensive material into three categories. Red, Yellow and Green. The Red List contains the most sensitive material. The social media platforms will be obligated to remove the red-listed content right away.

    The yellow list will contain objectionable content which must be taken down within 72 hours of receiving the complaint. The details of routine complaints will be maintained on the green list, according to officials.

    A separate agency won’t be established to control social media. The PTA will control social media platforms.

    The Social Media Committee has chosen to keep the fines and penalties suggested in the social media guidelines.


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