Nearly 1000 Bike Accidents Reported in Punjab in a Single Day


    In the past day, 1,084 Road Traffic Crashes (RTCs) occurred throughout all 37 districts of Punjab, resulting in seven fatalities and 1,146 injuries.

    According to reports, 586 victims has serious injuries and were transported to various hospitals, while Rescue Medical Teams treated 562 victims with less severe injuries on the spot. Motorcycles were involved in 71% of RTCs.

    The accidents involved 481 drivers, 31 drivers who were under the age of 18, 113 pedestrians, and 420 passengers, according to further investigation.

    The provincial capital of Lahore came in first on the list with 306 RTCs reported there, resulting in 310 casualties. 81 RTCs and 79 victims put Multan in second place, and 76 RTCs and 71 victims put Faisalabad in third.

    The statistics also show that 1,084 victims, including 913 men and 227 women, were impacted by RTCs. Of these victims, 144 were under the age of 18, 450 were in the 18–40 age range, and the remaining 309 were above  40 years old.

    The data shows that 921 motorbikes, 83 autos, 121 cars, 22 vans, 18 buses, 17 trucks, 105 other vehicles, and slow-moving carts were all involved in the earlier-mentioned accidents.


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