Check the facts: Did the Taliban really intend to attack Israel from Jerusalem?


After Hamas, the Palestinian liberation movement, launched the biggest attack on Israel in decades, a message allegedly from the Afghan Taliban movement started spreading on social media.

This statement claims that the Taliban requested safe passage to Jerusalem so they might battle the Israeli Army from the Muslim nations bordering Palestine and Israel.

The comment has been widely reported in both Urdu and English, and it was prominently featured in Israeli newspapers.

“Sunday 3:50 AM: The Taliban terror group, which governs Afghanistan, reportedly asked its neighbours for passage so it could join Hamas in its attack on Israel,” Israel National News said.

A fact-check reveals that the Taliban-attributed comment was false nonetheless.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry of Afghanistan responded to the recent uptick in violence in Palestine with a statement that read, “Afghanistan has been closely monitoring the recent events in the Gaza Strip and considers such events to be the result of the violation of the rights of the oppressed Palestinian nation by the Israeli Zionists and repeated insults and disrespect to Muslim holy places.”

According to the declaration, the Palestinian people have the legal right to defend themselves and engage in any kind of resistance in order to reclaim their homeland and sacred sites.
“The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan declares its support for the Palestinian people’s legitimate, historical, and legal right to have a permanent country in the historical Palestinian land and calls upon the Islamic countries, the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the international community, and especially the influential countries in the region to stop the violence of the Israeli occupying forces.”

Furthermore, the official announcement contained nothing that had previously been reported in the false statement.

Palestine requests an urgent Arab League Council meeting.
Through its permanent envoy, the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates requested an urgent ministerial meeting of the Arab League Council.

Pakistan reaffirmed its stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and extended support for Palestine becoming a sovereign nation with East Jerusalem as its capital.

According to President Arif Alvi, making progress towards peace requires denouncing Israel’s infringement of Palestinian rights and violent treatment of its citizens.


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