Asim Munir, the chief of Pakistan’s Army, is in Azerbaijan to improve defence relations.


According to the army’s media wing, Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir met with senior civil-military authorities while in Azerbaijan.

According to the Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR), COAS Asim Munir travelled to a country in Central Asia on a formal visit to strengthen defence relations between the friendly countries.

The handout stated that General Asim called on President Ilham Aliyev, the defence minister, the first deputy minister, the chief of staff of the Azerbaijan Army, and the commander of the Azerbaijan Air Force. The purpose of his visit to the Western Asian country was to improve military-to-military cooperation and defence collaboration.

According to ISPR, the senior officials discussed how to strengthen relationships in the domains of training and defence.

The president of Azerbaijan and the military leadership expressed gratitude for Pakistan’s ongoing assistance and pledged to raise the degree of mutual collaboration between the two countries’ armed forces.

Baku and Islamabad had tight relations, and their collaboration is evidence of how strong their relationship is growing. There were high-level military talks and exchanges between the two sides. Discussions about military training, experience sharing, and defence cooperation were frequently covered in these exchanges.

Defence agreements between Pakistan and Azerbaijan were made with the intention of promoting information exchange, joint exercises, and military cooperation. These agreements could have contained clauses allowing for cooperation in fields including equipment acquisition, training, and the defence industry.

Both sides expressed concerns about terrorism and extremism, and Azerbaijan continued to purchase defence hardware from Pakistan, such as armoured vehicles, small arms, and other military hardware. Additionally, both countries expressed interest in working together on counterterrorism initiatives, such as intelligence sharing and joint operations.


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