Another “electric shock” is expected as the CPPA wants to raise the price of power by Rs. 7 per unit


The Central Electricity Purchasing Agency (CPPA) has applied for an additional rise in the electricity rate with the national power regulator, meaning that Pakistanis suffering from record inflation will not soon be able to find any relief.

The Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) submitted a request for approval of a 7.13 per unit increase in power prices to NEPRA on Tuesday. The request included a monthly fuel adjustment for January 2024.

The latest raise will further tax the public by more than Rs67 billion if it is approved. The request from the CPPA is expected to be heard on February 23, 2024.

The national power regulator declared earlier in February 2024 that the price of energy would increase by Rs4.5 per unit. The latest proposal by CPPA raises the possibility of yet another hike in power costs, exacerbating consumers’ already dire financial situations.

For the second half of February 2024, the departing administration has already increased the price of fuel by more than Rs7 and petrol by Rs2.73 per litre. 


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