A dog that was buried as dead came back from the grave and reached its owners


A dog named ‘Hosun’ in South Korea, who was buried dead after being hit by a truck, has come out of his grave and returned home.

According to Express News, Hwasin first made headlines after he passed away in a horrific truck accident in South Korea and returned home. The dog was hit by a truck near the owners’ home in Yongcheon town. His injuries were so severe that a neighbor who found him on the side of the road, presumed him dead and buried Hussain in a grave in a nearby field.

After the burial, the person went to the house of the owners and told them the bad news. However, four days later, Hosan’s owners heard the cry of an animal coming from a roadside ditch near their house. As they approached him, they were surprised to find Hossain badly injured but alive. The dog’s back legs were broken and he was barely supporting his weight on his front legs. Hosen’s shocked owners gave him some water and took him to the vet where he was treated. However, it is still not clear how the dog came back from its grave.


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