A special package for farmers to be introduced by Prime Minister Imran Khan


As reported by Dawn News, Prime Minister Imran Khan has stated that the government will be introducing a distinct package for farmers in the near future as a sub-committee of the cabinet was framing plans on the matter.

He announced this in a meeting with the members of the National Assembly from South Punjab. The Prime Minister said that the former governments overlooked South Punjab and differentiated against the people of the area, above all concerning education, health, and employment chances.

MNA Aurangzeb Khan Khichi offered a plan for the launch of a cadet college in Vehari. In addition, MNAs Salim Rehman and Bashir Khan filled in the PM on employment opportunities for the residents during the building of dams in Dir.

PM Imran Khan was also told of community issues, efforts for resolving the believed concerns, and the advancement on education and health plans in Swat.

In the meeting, the PM was also given info concerning the smuggling of petroleum goods, food articles, and other products. This has been triggering a revenue loss of $3.4 billion to the government annually.

PM stated: “When smuggling overtakes a functioning economy, it creates instability, discourages business and investments from coming into the area and most of the smuggling profits also go back to the crime syndicate to fund more illegal activity. This creates a rise in crime and can affect tourism, among other things.”


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