After several allegations of sexual harassment, Copenhagen’s Mayor resigned


Frank Jensen has been a part Copenhagen’s political world for 30 years now.  He has been twice a government minster. Recently he even celebrated his decade of being a Mayor.

Different women had described their harassment experiences with Jensen, after which he admitted to being a sexual harasser. A few days back he apologized for his behavior and resigned from his post.

He stated: “I’m terribly sorry for the women I’ve offended through my 30 years in politics, There are episodes and details that have been experienced differently. But what remains is that some women have experienced that I have crossed their boundaries.”

After many accusations, there has been a generational gap exposed in the country. There are some older ones who consider groping or unwanted touching just an awkward experience whereas the young in the country consider it violation of personal rights and space.

Now it depends on the young Prime Minister of Denmark, Metter Frederkison, 42, as to how she will manage this situation.  


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