Celebrities react to Biden-harris oath taking


After Joe Biden took the oath as the 46th president of the United States with Kamala Harris as his vice president, celebrities had shown a massive wave of excitement about the inaugural ceremony.

Demi Lovato wrote: “President @joeBiden and madame Vice president @KamalaHarris. It is our time to nite, heals and get to work. #Inaguration2021.”

Mark Ruffalo said: “He is finally gone. The nightmare has come to its fitful end. A bunch of trump elite criminals pardoned in the shroud of night. The Golden Toilet Presidency is over. A turd is a turd no matter where it lays”

Katie Couric stated:”My whole soul is in this — in bringing America together.” @JoeBiden #Inauguration

According to Oprah Winfey:” In tears watching this extraordinary moment for women in the U.S. and the world. Vice President @kamalaharris

America Ferrara wrote: “Why you crying?” “What is democracy?” “Where did JLo go?” – a little easier to answer Baz’s questions today. So much work ahead to build the world we want our babies to inherit. Grateful for today’s victory and for @amandascgorman ‘s words: “There is always light, if only we are brave enough to see it, if only we are brave enough to be it.” #bethelight #inauguration #BidenHarris

Stated by Jada Pinkett Smith:  “There is so much work that needs to be done. But … the ground work has been laid that in America … anything is possible. Congratulations to President @joebiden and Vice President @kamalaharris


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