Due to a lethal third wave of coronavirus, the Sindh government has announced to bring about a set of measures to inhibit the spread of the virus from which one major measure is the closure of all schools, colleges and universities in the region.
Sindh Government Representative Murtaza Wahab posted a tweet that offices of the provincial government will work with important staff of 20%.
“All schools, colleges and universities shall also remain closed due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases,” said Wahab.
The Sindh government representative’s tweet was made after CM Murad Ali Shah presided a meeting of the Provincial Task Force on Coronavirus.
The authorities being there in the meeting were informed about the coronavirus condition in the province.
They were also briefed that oxygen plants are available at Dow University Ojha Campus, Trauma Centre and Gambat Hospital.
Individually, a representative of CM Sindh clarified what Murtaza Wahab had poste din the tweet. He further mentioned that secretaries of several departments have been informed that they should ask only vital staff to come to office whereas the remaining should be asked to work from home.
The provincial government, based on the info from the representative, has decided to restrict visits in prisons.