Educational institutes will have to follow strict guidelines before reopening- Shafqat Mehmood


Education minister Shafqat Mehmood has stated that government has been taking notice of all the loss regarding students’ academic acvtivies but their health and safety was more important.

Due to this educational insitutes were closed of till now but relevant authorites are working on bringing out strict guidelines and measures to be followed in order to reopen the education sector.

He said that the covid sitatuation will be reviewed first before reopening. a final decsion will be taken in 7th spetember during a session which will be attended by education ministers of all provinces.

He clrified that any decsion taken by the governent will be in consideration with students’ safety as their good health is the ultimate priority right now and the siuation of cases will be reviewed after Muharram’s processions.

He also suggested that the classes be divided into two sessions as a precautionary measure against the cronavirus siutation.

Any school violating the guidelines and orders given by the governemnt will have to will have to face strict action agaisnt them.


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