Exam schedule by Punjab Government


As of today, the Punjab government has announced the examination schedule for schools included in Punjab, based on that given schedule, exams will be taken from May 18-31

According to the schedule, the exams will be taken from May 18 to 31 for students of class 1 to class 8, as stated in a notification by the PEC.

The commission clarified that it will issue a booklet which will be comprised of questions that will be included in students’ examinations.

According to the PEC, the exams will have almost a 50% weightage for the homework that will be done by the students and 50% weightage will be for exam papers which will be MCQ-based papers.

Oral exams will be conducted for students of class 1 and class 2 (English, Maths, General Knowledge and Urdu), stated the PEC

Students from class 3 to class 7 will on the other hand be giving written examinations of all the basic subjects including English, Maths, Science, Urdu, Computer Science, History & Geography and Islamiyat/Ethics

According to the PEC, evaluation of the other or elective subjects will be arranged and done by the school itself. The PEC made clear that each MCQ paper be consisting of 25 items, and each item will be of 2 marks with time period of an hour (in few sessions daily if required) as per SoPs of Covid-19 that has been given out by Govt. of the Punjab


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