Facebook to turn 28-day attribution default option to 7-day attribution


Facebook is changing the default option of 28-day attribution to 7-day attribution. Reportedly this change will be effective from October 12th,2020 and all accounts’ settings will automatically be changed to 7 day attribution by default.

Basically, the number of days between an individual viewed or clicked an ad shown on Facebook and then eventually took an action is attribution window.

Until now the longest window was 28 days but this will change now as announced officially the maximum window now will be of 7 days.

The announcement read: “Upcoming digital privacy initiatives affecting multiple browsers will limit business’s ability to measure people’s interactions across domains and devices. Among those limitations is the ability for businesses to attribute conversion events back to an ad over longer attribution windows.”

Since all the relevant data will be gone after 12th October, it is recommended by Facebook to download all the data that might be linked to this 28-day attribution as it won’t be available afterwards.

Any rules or settings tied to the 28 day attribution should be changed or updated. Some companies rely on the 28-day attribution data to make decisions regarding their sales. They need to work on changing this now.


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