A few months ago, WhatsApp added Channels to the platform, a private way to follow the things you care about that is akin to Telegram. According to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, this was initially only accessible in 8 countries but has since been made available in all nations, including Pakistan.
Initially introduced in Chile, Colombia, Egypt, Kenya, Malaysia, Morocco, Peru, Singapore, and Ukraine, channels are now available in 150 additional nations worldwide.

Similar to Telegram, channels allow you to broadcast updates and other content in a separate area. It should not be confused with WhatsApp’s long-standing Broadcast Lists feature. With that feature, each person on your list receives a message separately, but channels give you a place where you can be followed by millions of people in the public.
Mark Zuckerberg also set up his own channel, as seen in the screenshot above, to share WhatsApp-related insights, updates, and news.
On the app’s home screen, under the new “Updates” tab, are the channels. Near the bottom of this tab are channels and Status updates. Here, you can also see the channels you’ve recently viewed.

Some features are currently unavailable because they are being implemented gradually. You might not currently be able to create your own channel, for example. Many Pakistani channels, including Geo News and others, are already available on the app, so some people in Pakistan are able to do this.