If Pakistan has evidence of terrorism from Afghan soil, then give it, but the attack will be considered aggression, the most important statement of the spokesperson of the Afghan government.


Afghan government spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid has said that if Pakistan has any evidence regarding terrorism, then give it to us, we will take action ourselves, but the attack and action on Afghanistan will be considered aggression. .

In an interview with the YouTube channel ‘Khorasan Diaries’, the Afghan spokesman said that he said that our trade relations with neighboring countries are good, trade with Pakistan is more than other countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan are connected to each other, so we They want to tell the Pakistani nation and government that political and commercial matters should be kept separate, otherwise it will increase political differences. Therefore, we demand to keep politics and trade separate.

The Afghan government spokesperson said that Pakistan’s problem has been going on since 2001, which started with their operations, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan was already there, there was already unrest in Pakistan and this process is still going on. That peace in Pakistan is very important to us, we have repeatedly assured Pakistan of our support, asked them to talk to us if they have reservations, we will not allow Afghan soil to be used against anyone because we have seen war and we don’t want that in any country.

He said that they will have to solve the internal problems on Pakistan’s land by themselves, it is not possible that if something happens on Pakistan’s land, it will be Afghanistan’s responsibility, no one in Afghanistan wants to worsen the situation inside Pakistan. Zabihullah Mujahid said that both countries should resolve the issue with understanding and work on these issues.

On the question of Pakistan targeting TTP bases inside Afghanistan, the spokesperson said that we have repeatedly said that we want peace in Pakistan, but they have to solve their own internal problems and it is not right to link it with Afghanistan. , if they have any evidence then give us, we will take action ourselves and will not spare anyone to take action against Pakistan.

He said that we assure Pakistan that the territory of Afghanistan will not be used against them, but to say that if we attack and take action on Afghanistan, it will be aggression. When he was asked whether the Afghan government would play a mediating role in the negotiations between Pakistan and the TTP, he replied that if a message comes from Pakistan in this regard. So we are ready for that, but if they don’t want to, we won’t interfere in their internal affairs.


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