Irfan Junejo has distanced himself from DuckyBhai. Will this lead towards another Youtube feud?


Famous Vlogger Irfan Junejo has decided to distance himself from fellow youtuber Saad Ur Rehman who is more commonly known as Ducky Bhai for the promotion of problematic matters.

In his recent tweet Junejo announced this disassociation. His tweet read,

“I don’t have anything personal against Ducky. He’s always been extremely courteous but I cannot condone encouraging violence against women, promoting transphobia and homophobia among other problematic things, even though we have been friends in the past,”

He further said “I hereby would like to dissociate myself from him. I wish him the best for his career and hope he realises the implications his tweets and actions can have,”

Ducky responded to this tweet that he will make a video on his experience with Irfan but later deleted that tweet.

“Not making a video on him. It’s just gonna give him unnecessary attention. Tiktokers making diss track coming soon,” 

For those who missed his previous tweet, he explained “For those who haven’t read my previous deleted tweet I was about to share my experience with a burger,”

The tension between the two YouTubers started to rise after, Ducky had a heated exchange with a Twitter user.

Ducky had called out a user in a insensitive manner for what he felt was an act of disrespecting the country.

After this the user was personally attacked and threatened even when the original post was deleted.

Later on Ducky also deleted his original tweet claiming that he is not responsible for the user being bullied.

He tweeted “I want to make one thing clear. I’ve been on YouTube since three years and never convinced any of my audience to say anything to anyone,” Do let us know what are your views on this feud.


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