Kamyab Jawan Innovation League Program renamed by the Government to National Innovation Award 


The Prime Minister’s National Innovation Award is the new name for the PTI government’s Kamyab Jawan Innovation League Program, which has also seen a 567 percent increase in award money.

According to official documents, the incumbent government has increased the award amount to be paid to ten top candidates for their innovations from Rs. 0.15 million to Rs. 1 million.

The revised PC-I of the Prime Minister’s National Innovation project, which has a price tag of Rs. 450.11 million, has been approved by the Central Development Working Party.

The program is an extension of the previously approved “Kamyab Jawan Innovation League.” The federal government will fund this project through the Prime Minister Youth Program’s block allocation budgetary support. Higher Education Commission manages the Prime Minister’s National Innovation Award (PMNIA), an initiative of the Prime Minister’s Youth Program.

The Innovation Award’s goal is to:

Improving Pakistan’s Global Innovation Index Ranking, Fostering Entrepreneurial Culture Among Youth, and Transforming Ideas into Businesses


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