KPK formally announces the MDCAT retake date.


The date for the province’s second administration of the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT) has been officially announced by the Khyber Medical University in Peshawar.

The statement states that the MDCAT will be given again in KPK on November 26. The test would need to be rescheduled, and KMU would be in charge of doing so.

The institution said in its statement that it has enlisted the help of the police and the Federal Investigation Agency to ensure transparency. KMU reports that 46,658 students have signed up to take the exam that will be held the following month.

The provincial administration had originally suggested November 19 for the exam retake, but it has now been postponed by a week. The KP administration had also sent a letter to the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) in this respect.

The KP government had indicated in its letter that KMU would not be receiving any money from applicants who had already enrolled. Recall that the Peshawar High Court (PHC) ordered the test to be retaken within six weeks.

The MDCAT in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa experienced significant backlash after scores of pupils were discovered using a Bluetooth device to cheat. Retaking the exam was mandated when the examination was canceled.

Students who were found cheating during an exam last week faced serious consequences from the KMU. Details indicate that up to 219 students have been prohibited for two years from taking the MDCAT.


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