Lizzo recommends practical steps to stop the spread of racism


American rapper and singer has gotten up with determination to bring reawakening against racism for her followers to do something useful against the social threat, not just lip work or a social media fighting.

The 32-year-old Grammy Award-winning singer posted a video on Instagram a few days ago. In the video, the she stated that small gestures such as sharing “Black Lives Matter” on your social media are not adequate. She also clarified what useful steps could people take up to end the extent of hate and racist tropes.

“Racism isn’t a black-and-white photo or an antiquated idea,” she said.“It’s a system that is very well alive today and works really well in this country. And I know that’s a tough pill to swallow, so here’s another one. Putting ‘BLM’ in your bio and posting a black square is no longer the bare minimum.”

Instead, Lizzo recommended, “You have to do an intentional act of anti-racism every single day. What’s an intentional act of anti-racism? Well, have you donated to bail out a protestor? Have you bought from a Black business? An Asian business? Have you bought from any person of colour today? Have you seen someone getting harassed for the colour of their skin and intentionally went over there and stopped it? Have you educated yourself?”


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