Next week, PM Kakar will visit China.


Anwaarul Haq Kakar, the interim prime minister, will travel to China next week for a two-day official visit, according to Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, the spokeswoman for the foreign office.

The premier will travel to China at the Chinese president’s request to attend the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the FO spokesperson told reporters during her weekly briefing.

On the margins of the BRI event, the prime minister of Pakistan, Anwaarul Haq Kakar, will meet with world leaders.

On October 17–18, China will host the third summit on global cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Beijing.

President Vladimir Putin is among the world leaders who are anticipated to attend the summit, as China has invited heads of state from more than 50 nations in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Latin America.

China introduced the BRI, a plan for global energy and infrastructure networks, a decade ago with the goal of establishing land and sea routes that would link Asia with Africa and Europe.

According to the foreign ministry, China has agreements for cooperation on the Belt and Road with more than 150 nations and 30 international organisations.

Top government leaders from 28 nations in Eurasia, Africa, and Latin America attended the first Belt and Road Forum in Beijing in May 2017.
In April 2019, the Chinese capital hosted the second forum. The Belt and Road initiative was announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping.


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