One missing biscuit led to a man suing the company and winning Rs. 100,000.


A Tamil Nadu court in India has ordered the business to pay the customer INR 100,000 in damages because one of the packet’s cookies was missing.

One biscuit was missing when a packet of biscuits from the renowned company ITC Foods Limited was opened, according to Indian media.

The person went to court and requested INR 1 crore in damages, arguing that by lying and making an illegal profit, his credibility had been damaged.

In response, the court called ITC Foods Limited representatives into court to provide an explanation for why the packet of “Sun Feast Marie Light” contained 15 biscuits rather than 16. The company will make millions if each packet of cookies contains one less biscuit.

P. Dillibabu of MMDA Mathur, a resident of Chennai, bought two dozen ‘Sun Feast Marie Light’ biscuits in Manalito in December 2021 to feed stray animals, according to Business Today. He was surprised to find only 15 biscuits inside the packet rather than 16, and when he returned to the store to ask why, they were unable to adequately explain the situation. There was no explanation for the missing biscuit, not even when he went to ITC.

According to Business Today, the complainant noted that each biscuit costs 75 paise and that ITC Ltd. produces close to 50 lakh packets per day, indicating that the company defrauded the public of over INR lakh every day.

The food company’s representatives claimed that this must have happened accidentally. The representative argued that “biscuits are packed not by counting but by weighing,” but the court disagreed.

The company was ordered to pay INR 1 lakh in customer damages and INR 10,000 in court costs after the court accepted the petitioner’s complaint.

In this way, one lost biscuit in the biscuit packet cost ITC Foods Limited a whopping six figures of one hundred thousand dollars.

“I had claimed one crore as damages,” the petitioner said, “but whatever the court’s decision is, I accept it.”


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