Opposition believes PDM jalsa was a “flop show”


Pakistan’s Democratic Movement (PDM) had conducted to power show yesterday at the Minar-e-Pakistan, Lahore but it wasn’t much of a success to the opposition leaders.

The PTI led government expressed their views on the  Jalsa after it was over and they did not have very nice remarks about it.

While talking about the jalsa, information and broadcast minister Shibli Faraz said that the jalsa’s environment was not up to the mark and it was as cold as today’s weather and hence people have shown that have used their right of voting against them and have shown their choice as they weren’t able to gather more than 15000 people at the jalsa.

He further said that Lahore has dismissed their call and they have rejected Maryam Nawaz as their leader.

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, special assistant to the CM of Punjab also shared her views on the Jalsa held by PDM. She said that the people have made clear that they consider Imran Khan as the savior of the government and they cosndier Imran Khan as  a Messiah.

She further stated: “You have never seen the government give such a free rein to the opposition. It neither stopped them nor installed any containers anywhere. No shelling was carried out and no shots fired either, despite all the concessions (given to the opposition), the venue was built on five acres of Greater Park. The PDM failed to attract Lahoris to its jalsa,” 

Foreign Minster of Pakistan, Shah Mehmood Qureshi also said that people will not be deceived by these thieves one more time.

He also said: “How can those who hold rallies amid a strong (second) wave of the coronavirus pandemic be well-wishers of the common people, We pray to God to keep the jalsa participants safe,”


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