Pakistan could soon be hit with severe water shortage; PM Imran Khan


Prime Minister Imran Khan has stated today that Pakistan could soon be facing water crisis soon emphasized that the provinces were already putting blame on each other for water mugging.

The prime minister addressed the topic while attending the World Environment Day event that was hosted in the country for the first time in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme.

“Pakistan’s 80% water comes through glaciers, and glaciers are being severely affected due to global warming …. India, and several other countries will be impacted by this,” he said.

The premier advised that glaciers were coming down as a result of global warming and if the world fails to take any action in regard to the matter, there could be further destruction all over the world.

The prime minister said governments across the world failed to bring in action their strategies of environmental protection and preservation unless fully supported by their common people.

“Unfortunately, the world hasn’t paid much attention to conserving the environment,” the premier said, noting the countries that had paid due attention to the matter were in a better state as compared to others.


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