Pakistan Railway Bans Use of AC by Officers Up to Grade 18-


The use of air conditioners in offices by officers up to grade 18 has been outlawed by the Pakistan Railway (PR). The Railway Electrical Department has published a formal announcement regarding this.

The use of AC in offices by officers up to grade 18 has been outlawed by PR authorities as part of an inter-organisational austerity drive due to the economic and power crises in the nation. ACs are not permitted in offices, railway factories, or workshops for PR officers under the age of 18.

As instructed by the government, PR has put into effect the new austerity measure. It is important to note that from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., all railway officers’ offices are already prohibited from using air conditioning.

The railway department is reportedly already experiencing losses, according to railway sources. They also mentioned the numerous measures being implemented to improve savings.

Coming Soon: Another Price Increase for Tickets?
Prices for petroleum products are anticipated to increase once more as a result of currency devaluation and rising global oil prices.

According to a media report, the cost of gasoline and high-speed diesel (HSD) could increase on September 15 by Rs. 10–14 and Rs. 14–16 per litre, respectively, due to tax rates and import parity prices. The cost of paraffin will also increase by Rs.

As a result, it is anticipated that the cost of gasoline and diesel will increase to Rs. 320 and Rs. 325 per litre, respectively. Because of this, it is anticipated that PR’s fare prices and service fees will increase.


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