PIA flights to Saudi Arabia suspended


Saudi Arabia has put a temporary ban of almost a week on all international flights. This decision led to cancellation of all Pakistan International Airlines flights that were supposed to land in Saudi Arabia.

Quoted by interior ministry, the ban on international flights in Saudia has been imposed after there has been an outbreak of second wave of coronavirus in the country. The flights that had already entered the premises of the kingdom already will be allowed to leave but no other will be allowed to enter.  

No source of entry to the kingdom will be allowed in this span. Any entry either from land or from sea route will be banned to avoid the further spread of the virus during second wave.

Due to non clearance from KSA, no PIA flight will be operational to any city of the Kingdom whether Jeddah, Medinah, Riyadh and so on.

Until the notice of to resume the flights arrive, the suspension of these flight to KSA will be continued. As soon as the notice arrives, the passengers currently facing difficulty due to this will be accommodated accordingly.

The passengers have been advised to contact the call center at 111786786, incase of any inquiry or concerns regarding the matter.


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