PPP questions the sheer incompetency of PTI led government


The Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) has stated that Federal Minister for Finance Shaukat Tarin was trying to hide the ineffectiveness of unqualified Prime Minister Imran Khan.

“The statement of Finance Minister Shaukat Tarin regarding the reduction in the prices of flour and sugar is based on merely lies and ridiculousness,” said Central Information Secretary PPP Parliamentarians Shazia Atta Marri while talking at a press conference.

She stated that the minister was trying to hide the incompetence of Prime Minister Imran Khan and he should not make false analyses of increasing prices and growing inflation rate in the country by giving the Covid-19 excuse.

She said the chosen government initiated the crisis of sugar and wheat itself falsely. “The PTI government exported sugar and wheat on cheap price and then imported them simultaneously,” she said. She said the rising price of sugar and wheat in an agricultural country like Pakistan was utter incompetence of PTI’s government.

She asked the government whether Covid-19 was also accountable for fixing the prices of petrol, gas and electricity in the country and also triggering a hindrance in the postponement of procurement of LNG. She questioned what the increased prices of life-saving drugs had in relation with the coronavirus epidemic.


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