As in past years, the Punjab provincial administration extended winter holidays throughout the province as the weather turned chilly.
As per The News, the identical choice was made again, and it appeared that no one gave any thought to the climate-related crisis that was developing in the area.
The administration announced the winter break well in advance of the onset of cold weather, seemingly without consulting weather data while organising these breaks.

Punjab’s provincial government failed to use meteorological data to improve planning, demonstrating a lack of learning from prior mistakes. The routine for winter break is followed without much consideration for the current state of the weather.
This is an obvious case of poor management and a deficiency in communication between the meteorological office and other government agencies. Over the years, it has been noted that Punjab typically sees the start of winter break while the weather is still rather mild, with the lower temperatures arriving later.
It is significant to remember that Punjab’s annual winter vacation began on December 18, 2023. Due to extremely cold and harsh weather, the original expiration date of January 1, 2024, was prolonged to January 9, 2024. There was no end in sight even after that, so the school schedule was changed, with lessons starting at 9:30 a.m. Still, a lot of Punjabi areas are dealing with extremely chilly temperatures.
Parents, students, and educators are concerned about this because they think that a more coordinated approach utilising meteorological data may lead to a more efficient scheduling of the winter breaks. Stakeholders contend that it would be more sensible to determine the true cold snap and schedule the holiday accordingly.
Improved collaboration between government agencies, especially the Meteorological Office and the Education Departments, is one important request that many have made.
The government might make sure that the winter break coincides more closely with the actual cold weather, giving pupils a more pleasant and seasonally suitable holiday, by adding real-time weather data into the decision-making process.
There have been requests for a reassessment of the procedure used to set the dates for winter vacations due to the current circumstances. Change proponents contend that cooperation amongst pertinent agencies might result in a better-informed decision-making process and avoid the discrepancy between the declared break and the onset of cooler weather.
One cannot stress how crucial it is to organise academic breaks while keeping weather trends in mind. Improved coordination and communication across government agencies might improve the educational experience for pupils as a whole and make sure that the winter break is more in line with the season it is meant to commemorate.
Winter break extensions are a major problem since they increase student vacation days and decrease the number of days that may be used for instruction. Regrettably, there is a dearth of recognition for its significant influence on scholars. It is now necessary for people in positions of responsibility to respond immediately, and swift action must be taken to prevent major losses in education.