Rihanna bashed by Hindu fans


World-wide famous singer Rihanna is getting criticized by her Indian followers one more time as a result of her latest social media post.

The fenty owner took to her Instagram an posted an topless photo of herself wearing a pendant of the Hindu god Ganesha.

As soon as the photo was posted, it was instantly criticized a lot as netizens gave her a piece of their mind for insulting the god and bringing down the religious feelings of her Hindu followers.

As commented by a follower: “You’re wearing a deity necklace and a Murthi (image of a deity) of my culture that’s already been culturally appropriated enough in the past few years.”

Another one stated: “How is this okay when a person has more than enough resources to at least find out the meaning and significance of the chains and pendant around their neck?”

Whereas someone else said: “I just don’t understand the purpose of having a necklace with lord Ganesh as part of a campaign,” 

Another comment read: “Our culture is not your costume,”


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