Riverdale star Lili Reinhart pens down her battle with depression


Riverdale star Lili Reinhart opened up about her depression and misery and how she has now chosen to accpet help to defeat it.

The actor took it to her Instagram and in depth explained the “exhausting” encounter she has had with depression, while advising others to not ever be embarrassed to look for help.

“Some days, I feel really defeated by my depression. It’s an exhausting battle that I’ve been fighting for 11 years, and some days, like today, it can feel intolerable,” she mentioned.

“This is a reminder to my fellow warriors that it’s okay to have days where you don’t want to fight anymore,” she said.

“You don’t need to justify your mental health to anyone. Prioritize yourself when needed, take time to rest. Surround yourself with good people and high vibrations,” she further said.

“Remember you are always worth fighting for. And tomorrow could be such a beautiful day,” she finished.


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