Road encroachers to face legal action from the Traffic Police in Rawalpindi


Road encroachers who disobey the police’s anti-encroachment drive will have their cases filed against them by Rawalpindi City Traffic Police (CTP).

According to a spokesperson from the traffic police, efforts are being made by the division to reduce gridlock and traffic accidents. If an encroachment persists despite the anti-encroachment squad’s warnings, FIRs will be filed.

The traffic headquarters held a meeting with Senior Traffic Officer Munir Ahmed Hashmi and field workers to ensure efficient traffic flow and accident prevention.

Traffic infractions and other traffic problems in their respective areas will also be the responsibility of the circle, sector, and beat in-charge personnel.

Taimoor Khan, the chief traffic officer (CTO), issued a directive during the meeting requiring all responsible staff to take ownership of any traffic obstructive behaviour or violation of traffic laws anywhere.

The CTO also instructed traffic officers and wardens to enforce a zero-tolerance policy towards motorcycle riders who lack licences, number plates, or helmets.

He declared that in order to prevent accidents and ensure compliance, lane discipline will be strictly enforced on Mall Road and other roads.

According to the CTO, if drivers break traffic laws, they will be issued a challan and a learner’s permit. In order to improve city streets, he also urged citizens to obey traffic laws.


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