Royal Couple receives criticism from Former Trump advisor


Previous senior advisor to Donald Trump, Stephen Miller, has criticized Prince Harry and Meghan Markle after their tense interview became the talk of town.

Miller stated that the interviewer of the disaster tell-all, Oprah Winfrey, should have asked the royal couple about the persistence of the royal family, which he considers goes past the couple’s uncertainties.

He posted about this on his twitter account, his statement read:  “Here’s the question Oprah should have asked Harry & Meghan: isn’t the whole point of the Royal Family that it’s not about you but about your country?”

“It’s about service to the UK and the Commonwealth.”

He also took the turn to talk about on his own understanding of matters relating it to when he met some of the members of the royal family, showering them with admirations.

“During President Trump’s head of state visit to the UK, I had the privilege of getting to meet several members of the Royal Family,” he added.

“They were unfailingly gracious & deeply committed to preserving the traditions and heritage of the UK.”

Trump in specific had also showed his doubts against the Duchess of Sussex after the couple deliberated in on the essential US presidential elections.

“I’m not a fan of hers,” he mentioned.

“I would say this – and she has probably has heard that – I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he’s going to need it.”


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