Several students were discovered using Bluetooth devices to cheat on the entrance exam for medical and dental colleges.


Aneela Mahfooz Durrani, the secretary of higher education, discovered a cheating scheme during the MDCAT (Medical College Admission Test) exam while acting on the orders of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s (KP) chief secretary. Numerous students who were attempting to use covert Bluetooth devices for cheating were apprehended as a result of the operation.

Secretary Durrani was informed of the existence of a group attempting to rig the entrance exam in KP by the Chief Secretary’s directives. In order to gain an unfair advantage, this group turned to using covert Bluetooth devices to transmit answers and demanded sizable sums of money from students.

Secretary Durrani informed Imtiaz Ayub, the Executive Director of the Educational Testing and Evaluation Agency (ETEA), of this information. Ayub took immediate action to stop the cheating epidemic in response. At the entrance to the exam rooms, additional security checks were put in place, and during the exam, staff observed and picked up on dishonest students’ unauthorised use of Bluetooth devices.

Maintaining MDCAT transparency is a top priority, Secretary Durrani emphasised, and admission to medical colleges should continue to be a privilege for qualified and deserving students. She issued a warning that those who try to undermine the merit-based system will face harsh penalties.


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