Sheikh Rasheed’s apology comes after social media service blockage


Minister for Interior Sheikh Rasheed had made an apology for the brief ban of social media services temporarily all over Pakistan.

WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook were unable to operate in the country as the government had thought the members of a banned party would come out for protests following Friday prayers, the interior minister stated, in a video speech on Twitter.

Rasheed stated the government had whitewashed those initiating terrorism and provoking violence in the country and that it will make sure with its utmost efforts that people are not becoming a cause of any problems associated to social media in the future. “The ones who stopped oxygen [vans] and ambulances [from reaching hospitals during protests] were defeated today. We have banned them [the proscribed organisation] and we will move for their dissolution as well,” he stated.

The government will ban their passports, identity cards, and bank accounts too, the interior minister further mentioned.


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