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Tag: EnergyCosts

Petrol price decrease anticipated by over Rs 140

Kamran Tesori, the governor of Sindh, presented a big suggestion that will significantly lower the price of gasoline by 140 rupees.On the anniversary of...

NEPRA has raised the price of electricity for Karachi residents once...

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) of Pakistan increased the electricity rate for K-Electric consumers on Friday.For the two months of October and...

Electricity bills: Pakistan to provide relief to ‘consumers using up to...

In response to a significant increase in electricity prices, thousands of Pakistanis took to the streets and participated in nationwide strikes over the weekend....

The government will soon announce electricity bill relief. Kakar

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, the acting prime minister, said on Thursday that the government would soon announce relief for electricity users.Speaking to senior journalists in Islamabad,...

PM Promises Quick Relief Following Emergency Meeting on Electricity Bills

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, the interim prime minister, presided over an emergency meeting on Sunday that ended with a commitment to offer as much immediate and...