The One and Only Shelter Home in Rawalpindi Shuts Down


    The only shelter home in Rawalpindi, (Panahgah), which gave the poor and needy free food and housing, has been closed down by the Punjab interim government.

    The needy could receive free meals three times a day from this triple-story refuge home in Fawara Chowk, which could accommodate 100 people at once.

    According to reports, homeless people and their belongings were removed from the shelter home along with the notice boards and posters. In addition, everyone who worked at the shelter was dismissed.

    According to statistics, the shelter house was inaugurated by the previous prime minister (PM), Imran Khan, on December 16, 2019, and over 1.19 million people have sought refuge there since then.

    Sadly, the district administration removed all the logistics and facilities, including beds, tables, chairs, etc.

    On Wednesday, two laborers named Junaid Khan and Waliullah went to the facility looking for shelter and dinner but were turned away and informed that the facility no longer provided free accommodation and food.


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