There is no respite for Pakistanis as the government maintains the same November petrol rates.


Despite the anticipated price reduction due to the rupee’s rise, the interim administration has maintained the same level of fuel prices.

The Kakar-led administration agreed on Tuesday to maintain the same gas prices as of late October while modestly lowering the prices of light diesel and kerosene starting on November 1, 2023.

The Ministry of Finance said in a notice that the costs of light diesel and kerosene oil would be reduced by Rs 3.40 and Rs 3.82 per liter, respectively, and that the prices of gasoline and high-speed diesel would remain the same.

Petrol will remain at Rs 283.38 per liter and high-speed diesel at Rs 303.18 per liter for the first two weeks of November.

The price of kerosene oil has dropped somewhat, from Rs214.85 to Rs211.03 per liter. In the meantime, the new price per liter for light diesel is Rs189.46.

Many places utilize kerosene oil for cooking, particularly the mountainous ones without access to LPG.


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