Tourism and it’s positive relation with economy


Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has stated that the tourism sector of the country can prove to be beneficial when it comes to the matter of boosting the economy.

According to a statement that was issued yesterday, the Chief Minister of Punjab has stated that tourism sector would be endorsed by making sure of the provision of basic facilities in remote areas like Marri, Koh-e-Suleman and Cholistan.

If tourism is promoted in the country, it would result in a lot of employment opportunities for native people, he said.

He said that in order to arrange for water in these far-flung regions, creation of underground storage water tanks would be taken into consideration.

The CM mentioned that the past leaders were accountable for the backwardness and withdrawals of Southern Punjab.

Usman Buzdar stated that the selected government has provided a fresh individuality to Southern Punjab and funds assigned for Southern Punjab cannot be relocated to any other city.

Equality and balance will be brought in the backward with established cites of Punjab, he emphasized

In the meantime, Chief Minister Usman Buzdar has mentioned it yesterday that improvement of backward regions was the strategy of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government and compound development was the right of every area of Punjab.


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