Travel restrictions extended by Pakistan


Pak­is­tan Civil Aviation Autho­rity (PCAA) has planned to extend the obligation of its travel restrictions on the Category C countries till the end of next month i.e. 28 February.

According to the decision, people coming from South Africa, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Ireland, Portugal, and the Netherlands can only arrive to Pakistan if they are allowed by the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC).

The standard operating procedures (SOPs) for traveling to Pakistan that were allotted by the Director Air Transport department of the CAA last year in December have also been prolonged to 28 February, based on this the international travelers from Category C must give out their coronavirus reports when they in Pakistan, and even then they will have to go through testing procedures in the country.

Moreover, the PCR test requirement for the countries in Categories B and C has been lessened from 96 to 72 hours.

According to the CAA’s strategies, it is not necessary for travelers coming to Pakistan from countries in Category A to take the COVID-19 PCR test; on the other hand people coming to Pakistan from Category B must go through the test 72 hours earlier to the beginning of their travels, and people from Category C are allowed to travel to Pakistan only if they meet the terms of the NCOC’s guidelines


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