Why every small scale business shall be marketing on Social Media?

Why small businesses need to have social media marketing

Normally, small scale businesses do not have big fat budgets to spend on billboards and TV ads. So they need to wisely spend that limited amount of budget to get higher ROI (return on investment). Since, social media has a population of 3.8 billion users, hence social media is the most cost effective platform for small scales to advertise within limited budgets.

So, what is so good about the SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ?

While working in opus and dealing with hundreds of clients for their social media marketing and strategies, I concluded following points regarding effectiveness of social media for a small scale business.

1-The 3.8 billion population has your potential customer too

According to a report in January, 2020 , the total users of social media has reached upto 3.8 billion and almost 60% of those users are almost using social media daily for around 5 times a day. So with this huge amount of people around on social media, it is highly likely that your ads get quite a high reach among your customers at a very low cost. So if you’re active on the channels that your potential customers are using then you can directly target them through advertising on social media.

2- You can directly connect to your customer

These platforms have initially been developed for people to stay in touch with friends and family and to connect with the world and what’s happening around. Normally, people do not make profiles with a mindset that they will connect with brands or will be marketed to. But, they still interact with their favorite brands and they consider brands more accessible through social media. Social media allows a brand to be more conversational to its customers and your content develop that bridge between brand and customers. Customers and brands can directly discuss concerns and issue regarding products. It helps brands to know more about their potential customers to design and develop the future content and marketing strategies and then directly market it to potential customers.

3- Most efficient way to develop brand recognition

With more visibility, Social media helps brands to increase their recognition among buyers. Your content is a direct presentation of your brand’s personality and that’s the only thing which generates potential leads later.

4- A direct source for website traffic

Your social media profile is the best source to get more inbound traffic to your website. So actually your social media strategy directly compliments your SEO efforts and each post will help you bring new visitor and ultimately will convert them into a lead. To get a consistent flow of traffic, you need to post quality content consistently on social media

5- Choose specific social media channels to reach your target audience

You can strategically target your potential customers through the channels that your brand is active on.

6- Market and remarket your brand to your target audience

Social media platforms have the capability to target your potential customers, you just need to know the right techniques of placing ads and using demographics. Like on facebook , you can create pixels which allow you to remarket to the audience that has potentially engaged to your brand and so on so forth.

7- Social media Marketing is Cheap and more efficient

This is one of the greatest benefits of using social media marketing that it is cost effective and can help you reach a wider audience in very less amount. According to HubSpot, 84% of brands could generate the higher traffic within 6 hours of effort on social media per week.

8- Social media helps to get more conversion than any other medium

As per Hubspot, it has a 100% higher conversion than conventional marketing. With every passing day , your content will increase your credibility and more and more people will engage and convert as customers.

9- It improves your search engine optimization

Your social media presence can be used by Search engines in their ranking and it can directly impact your ranking on multiple search engines.

10- There is a good chance that your competition is on social media

This is highly likely that your competitors are utilizing this medium, no matter whatever industry you belong to, you need to have a strong presence on social media whether you want to sell or you want to brand yourself. Social media is the right answer within your limited budget.

To get more details about how your brand can do better on social media, you can contact Opus Communication. A team of experts will give you free consultation for all your queries.
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