Will Joe Biden prove to be good for Modi?


Different US leaders had different relations with the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Although the India-US relations remained good but the relations among the leaders have been a roller coaster.

In 2005 the US had denied visa to the Chief Minister of Gujrat at that time; Modi. During this time, the republican administration was being run by George Bush.

Then came Barac Obama who came in hugging Narendra Modi, making some good relational ties with him. After Obama, Trump took the role as a the leader and despite the differences, the ties between both countries seem good right now.

Now the main tie in the discussion arise between Joe Biden and Trump. If Biden wins the election, it might prove good for India as a country but probably won’t be so good for Modi.

In 2015, in the setting of a ‘ghar wapsi (religious conversion of minorities)’ campaign by Hindu extremists, Barack Obama addressed in Delhi in which he had lectured India on developing religious tolerance. He said “No society is immune from the darkest impulses of men and too often, religion has been used to tap into those instead of the light of God. Every person has the right to practice any faith or none as he chooses without the fear of prosecution”  

During religious violence in India earlier this year, what Donald Trump said, had seemed a ‘Defending Modi” statement to the world. He said : “I want to leave that to India and hopefully they will make the right decision,”  

Hence Joe Biden or Kamla Harris sitting in the white house won’t be so good because they both are of the views that they want to see a more liberal and accepting side of India.

Modi might not be getting a free pass from these two as he got from Trump.

When India abolished the article 370, Kamla Harris said: “We have to remind the Kashmiris that they are not alone in the world. We are keeping a track on the situation. There is a need to intervene if the situation demands.”


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